Consultancy Services

We provide various consultancy services in the use of Technology in Education and Multimedia Production. CVL is well equipped with a modern multimedia Studio and designing experts offering independent, professional, and reliable multimedia services to individuals, organizations and corporate institutions.

Educational Technology Training Consultants

We have over 10 years of experience working with education technology to support and empower teachers to extend their professional development in classes. We support educational institution and technology partners with project management and training in the use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) for teaching and learning. CVL helps guide you through every education technology solution process step from planning, development, deployment and evaluation.

Institutions of higher education and individuals can use CVL consulting services in the following:

  • E-Learning Implementation Strategies training and services
  • Training on Instructional Design and multimedia e-content development and support services
  • Deployment of open Source Learning Management System, training on the system usage and support services
  • Educational Video Productions training and services
  • Integrating multimedia e-contents into learning processes
  • Establishing an appropriate institutional audio visual learning support service